Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Testcase for Authentication module

I. Login Form

Expected Result
Check login form component with layout same as design
Open Login form
The login form is display with specific components have layout is same as design
Check default focus is set to Username field and tab index order is working with tab key from keyboard
1. Open login form
2. Press Tab key (from keyboard) for 4 times
The default focus is set to Username field. It will be change by following order by tab key pressed
Username -> Password -> Remember me -> Login button
Check the password field is displayed by secret character or not?
1. Open login form
2. Input any text to password field
The password field content is display as secret key
Check Sign in button is triggered by press Enter key from keyboard
1. Open login form
2. Input valid text for Username and password
3. Press Enter key
The sign in button is triggered for processing
Verify login function working with empty username and empty password values
1. Open login form
2. Set username and password is empty
3. Click Sign in button or press Enter key
The message text "You have to input Username and Password for login"
Verify login function working with valid username and empty value for password
1. Open login form
2. Input valid value for username field
3. Set password field is empty
4. Click Sign in button or press Enter key
The message text "You have to input Password for login"
Verify login function working with invalid username value and password is valid value
1. Open login form
2. Input invalid value for username (contain space or special character)
3. Input valid value for password
4. Click Sign in button or press Enter key
The message text "Your username is invalid. Please check and try again" is showed
Verify login function working with valid Username value (existed in database) and invalid password (not belong to Username)
1. Open login form
2. Input valid username (the username is existed on database)
3. Input any text for password field (not belong to inputted username)
4. Click sign in button or press enter key
The message text "Your password is not right. Please check and try again" is showed
Verify login function working with valid username and valid password (both username and password are existed on database)
1. Open login form
2. Input valid username (the username is existed on database)
3. Input valid password value which belong to inputted username
4. Click sign in button or press enter key
The login is successfully. The homepage is displayed
Verify login function working with valid username and valid password (both username and password are existed on database) and remember checkbox is checked
1. Open login form
2. Input valid username (the username is existed on database)
3. Input valid password value which belong to inputted username
4. Set remember checkbox are checked
5. Click sign in button or press enter key
6. Restart browser and reopen homepage site
The login is remain working. The homepage is displayed
Verify login function working with special character for username and valid value for password
1. Open login form
2. input special character for username field
3. Input valid value for Password
4. Click Sign in button or press Enter
The message "Your username is invalid" is display and login is not works continue
Verify login function working with JavaScript code for Username or Password
1. Open login form
2. Input java script code for username or password field
3. Click sign in button or press Enter
The message "Your username or password is invalid" is display and login is not works continue
Verify login function working with T- SQL command for Username or Password
1. Open login form
2. Input T- SQL command for username or password field
3. Click sign in button or press Enter
The message "Your username or password is invalid" is display and login is not works continue


II. Register Form

Expected Result
Check register layout form is same as design version
Open register form
The register form is display with layout is same as design
Check default focus and tab order index is working on register form or not?
1. Open register form
2. Press tab index for 5 times
Default focus is set to first control on form loaded time.
When tab key pressed, the focus will be changed by following order
Name -> Email ->Password ->Confirm password -> Register
Check Register button is triggered by enter key pressed
1. Open register form
2. Press enter key on the keyboard
The Register button is triggered for form validate working
Check password and confirm password is display by secret character
1. Open register form
2. Input any text on password and confirm password field
The content is display as secret key automatically instead original content
Verify register form working with empty string on every fields
1. Open register form
2. Set every fields to empty
3. Click on Register button or press Enter key
The message "Please fill out all informations " is showed
Verify register form working in case missing value for Name field and valid value for other fields
1. Open register form
2. Set empty string for Name field
3. Input valid value for other fields
4. Click
Register button or press Enter key
The message "Please enter your name" is display. And focus will be set to Name field after message is closed
Verify register form working in case missing value for Email field and valid value for other fields
1. Open register form
2. Set empty string for Email field
3. Input valid value for other fields
4. Click
Register button or press Enter key
The message "Please enter your Email" is display. And focus will be set to Email field after message is closed
Verify register form working in case the invalid value for Email field and valid value for other fields
1. Open register form
2. Set malformed email for Email field
3. Input valid value for other fields
4. Click
Register button or press Enter key 
The message "Please enter your valid email" is displayed and focus will be set to email field after message is closed
Verify register form working in case missing value for password field
1. Open register form
2. Set empty string for password field
3. Input valid value for other fields
4. Click
Register button or press Enter key
The message "Please input your password" is showed and the focus will be set to Password field after message is closed
Verify register form working in case the confirm password value and password value are not match
1. Open register form
2. Input valid value for Name, Email, Password fields
3. Input confirm password is different with password value
4. Click
Register or press Enter key
The message "Your confirm password is not match" is showed. The confirm password field take the focus after message is closed
Verify register form working in case every fields take valid data, confirm password and password value are matching
1. Open register form
2. Input valid data on every fields.
3 Press enter key or click on
Register button
New account is created.
Verify register form working in case every fields take valid data, confirm password and password value are matching but Email is used by other account
1. Open register form
2. Input valid data on every fields. The email field is take value from other account
3 Press enter key or click on
Register button
The message "Your email is in used by another account" and focus will be set to email field after message closed
Verify register form working with some special character or HTML code or T- SQL command inputted on Name field
1. Open register form
2. Input some value (Special character or HTML Code or T- SQL command) for Name field
3. Click
Register or press Enter key
The system should be not worked on this data

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